Djurwa attends Deadly in Melbourne, First Nations Business Expo 2024!

Djurwa Director Yeena Kirkbright and Victorian Sales Executive Joshua Torney had an amazing time at the Deadly in Melbourne

Djurwa Director Yeena Kirkbright and Victorian Sales Executive Joshua Torney had an amazing time at the Deadly in Melbourne, First Nations Business Expo on Thursday, 8 August 2024. It was an honour to be part of such an exciting celebration of First Nations businesses and culture, and to showcase our journey in developing an Indigenous recycling and waste management company.

A big thank you to Kinaway for organising such a fantastic event. It was inspiring to connect with so many innovative First Nations businesses. We also want to give a special shout-out to BINGO Industries’ Sales Executives Ryan Shearson and Troy Dimento, who joined us at our stand for the day.

We’re grateful for the chance to learn, network, and engage with this incredible community. We look forward to continuing the connections and opportunities that were sparked during this great event.

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